Pollock in White Wine Sauce

Cut pollock into large cubes, season with lemon juice and let steep for a while. Sauté onions in butter, dice apple, sprinkle with curry, add to onions, fry briefly. Add white wine and beef broth and boil briefly. Add the fish pieces and steam for 10 minutes at moderate heat. Mix whipped cream with flour, … Read more


Kazakh bouillon from mutton and horse meat Fill the prepared mutton bones and horse meat (in one piece) with tap water and boil bouillon on the stove. Cut the sheer mutton into narrow strips and brown it in hot mutton fat in the frying pan for 10 to 15 minutes, then add the diced onions … Read more

Asparagus with Butter and Breadcrumbs

Peel asparagus well, remove woody parts and simmer slowly in lightly salted water for 15-25 minutes depending on thickness. Quench in ice water. Before serving, slowly reheat with some of the asparagus liquid or stock that has run out. In another pan, melt enough butter and toast breadcrumbs in it until brown. In a saucepan, … Read more

Chicken Cutlet with Tomatoes and Cheese

For the chicken cutlets with tomatoes and cheese, first salt the chicken cutlets and fry them in a non-stick pan with 1 – 2 tsp butter. Pour 1/4 l of water into the pan and boil a soup cube in it – then add the soup to the meat in the roasting pan. Put a … Read more

Paprika Chops in Beer Cream Sauce

For the bell pepper chops in beer cream sauce, fry chops in hot BUtter until golden brown on both sides. Remove from pan and set aside. In the drippings, cut hamburger bacon into noodles and sauté onion and bell bell pepper. Now add tomato paste and paprika and pour in beer and whipped cream. Boil … Read more

Minestrone with Smoked Bacon

For the minestrone with smoked bacon, chop the bacon. Peel and finely chop the onion. Brown the bacon, add the onion and fry everything. Add mixed vegetables, roast and pour water. Season the minestrone and cook for about 10 minutes. Serve on plates and sprinkle the minestrone with smoked bacon with Parmesan cheese.

Vegetarian: Braised Spring Onions and Oyster Mushrooms

A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion! Rinse and clean the scallions and cut them into pieces about 3 cm long. If the heads are very thick, halve or quarter them beforehand. Clean the oyster mushrooms (do not rinse) and cut into bite-sized pieces. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. In the beginning, … Read more

Fried Celery

Remove the green from the celery – remove the peel from the tuber with a sharp kitchen knife. Next, cut into one-centimeter-thick slices from which form round slices with a cookie cutter or possibly a sharp kitchen knife. Boil these in lemon water for three minutes – then drain and coat with flour, egg and … Read more

Duck Curry with Pappadam

For the curry mixture, release cardamom seeds from capsules, toast with remaining spices without fat in a frying pan for 20 seconds over medium heat, stirring continuously. Cool mixture, place in a hand mixer form and grind very finely. Place in a dark screw-top jar until ready to use. 2. using a sharp kitchen knife, … Read more

Breakfast Bowl with Nectarine Puree

For the Breakfast Bowl with Nectarine Puree, quarter the nectarines and remove the pit. Set aside half a nectarine. Place the remaining nectarines briefly in hot water and then peel off the skin. Put the pieces in a pot with the sugar and puree. Bring to a boil over low heat. Bring the Himmeltau porridge … Read more