Ketchup Novelli

Cut the tomatoes into rough cubes, put them in a pot with the remaining ingredients and let them boil down strongly. Pass through a sieve and boil down again, stirring constantly as needed, until the mixture has the consistency typical of ketchup. Pour into hot rinsed canning jars. Pour some brown rum on top, light … Read more

Wild Garlic Mayonnaise

Mix basic mayonnaise with natural yogurt and crème fraîche. To the bear’s garlic mayonnaise, mix in plenty of freshly chopped bear’s garlic.If necessary, season with a little lemon juice, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper.

Passion Fruit Cake

Try this delicious cake recipe: (*) Alternatively, passion fruit juice or possibly multivitamin juice can be used. Shortcrust pastry: Quickly knead all ingredients for shortcrust pastry except cornstarch and flour until smooth. Work flour and cornstarch into the dough. Rest the dough in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then roll out, cut out a ring … Read more

Korean Squid Pan (Nakchibokkum)

For the Korean squid pan, wash the squid and cut into strips about 1 cm wide. Peel the onion and cut into rough pieces. Peel and slice the carrots, wash and clean the bell bell pepper and cut into rough cubes. Peel the garlic and ginger, finely chop the garlic and grate the ginger. Wash … Read more

Orange Poularde

1. divide poularde into 10 pieces. Grate zest from untreated oranges. Squeeze 150 ml of juice. Stir through zest, clove, juice, 1 tsp cumin and 2 tbsp vinegar. Score chilies lengthwise, remove seeds, chop finely. Mix everything with poulard parts. Cover and refrigerate for one night. 2. peel shallots, cut in half. Squeeze 200 ml … Read more

Shrimp on Parade Marrow – Buffet

Whisk curd with mineral water, then stir in cream. Add tomato ketchup, Tabasco, paradeis pulp, Worcester sauce, brandy, the well crushed lemon, curry, pepper and season. Season only a little with salt. Rinse the chicory, drain well and line four large cocktail glasses with it. Heap the drained crab in the center of each and … Read more

Chocolate Truffle

For the chocolate truffles, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and stir in the rum. Remove the mixture from the heat and quickly fold in the yolks. Stir the butter and powdered sugar alternately into the warm chocolate mixture. When a homogeneous cream is formed, place in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. … Read more

Guacamole – Spicy Avocado Cream

Remove the skin from the avocados, pit them and mash them in a bowl. Chop the onion finely and add. Crush the chili pepper in a mortar or chop it very finely. If you don’t want the guacamole to be too spicy, you can also remove a few of the hot seeds beforehand. Rinse the … Read more

Eggplant Escalope in Sesame Cheese Breading with Aïoli

Cut the eggplant lengthwise into 5 mm thin slices and salt. Whisk the egg with the soy sauce, chop the sesame seeds a little and mix with grated cheese. Then season with salt and pepper. Now turn the eggplant slices first in flour, pull them through the egg and turn them in the sesame-cheese mixture. … Read more

Creamy Tzatziki

Put the curd and kefir in a large enough bowl. Squeeze the garlic cloves onto the curd. Add the olive oil, oregano and basil and mix until smooth. Wash the cucumber and roughly grate it into the curd with the peel, if desired. Season with sea salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.