Veal Goulash with Summer Vegetables

A bean recipe for every taste: (approx. 55 min.) Cut meat into thumb-sized cubes, rub zucchini well with kitchen towel, cut in half lengthwise, slice. Cut chili pepper into rolls. Peel tomatoes, remove seeds, cut into fillets. Remove the skin from the onion and dice finely. Remove garlic from peel and chop finely. Cut the … Read more

Sponge Cake Slice with Chocolate Cream

For the sponge cake with chocolate cream, separate the eggs, beat the egg whites with half the amount of sugar until stiff. Beat the yolks with the sugar and water until foamy, mix the flour with the baking powder and fold into the yolk mixture alternately with the beaten egg whites. Spread on a baking … Read more

Fresh Chicken Soup

Bring all ingredients to a boil in a large pot. Skim with a large flat spoon. Bring clear soup to a simmer at low temperature, half-covered, for two hours. Allow to cool. Spread a strainer (colander) with clean muslin (straining cloth) and hold over a large vessel or bowl. Pour off the clear soup. The … Read more

Marzipan Backpack

Try this delicious cake recipe: Knead marzipan with powdered sugar. Color 40 g of the amount red, the rest green. Roll out the green amount into a square. Remove the corners to make a large cross with edges about 12 cm long. Form a fist-sized egg from aluminum foil. Place in the center of the … Read more


A bean recipe for every taste: Make the cleaned beans in salted water for about 2-3 minutes. Quench cold. Peel the carrots, leaving about 1 cm of the green. Make about 5-8 min. in salted water, quench under cold water. Melt half of the butter and sauté the shallot cubes in it. Add the drained … Read more

Plum Pockets with Rum Foam

Dough: Cream the butter in a baking bowl. Add the egg. Fold in the lemon and orange zest and the vanilla pulp. Squeeze the curd well and spread it through a sieve into the baking bowl. Sift in the flour. Knead the dough well, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour. … Read more

Lustock Chop with Rolled Barley

Plate the pork chops and season with salt and pepper. Turn in flour and fry on both sides in hot fat. Remove the chops and keep warm. Sauté the finely chopped onions in the remaining drippings. Deglaze with white wine, pour in jus. Stir in garlic and sour cream, add cooked rolled barley and bring … Read more


Pour the milk in a saucepan, taking 4 tablespoons of milk beforehand, which are mixed with the cornstarch, in a cup and put aside. Season the milk with sugar, a pinch of salt and cinnamon, add a piece of butter and let it boil. Put the beer in another saucepan, add the ginger and the … Read more