
For the sauerbraten, mix buttermilk with onion slices, yellow beet slices, cloves, bay leaves, juniper berries and peppercorns. Let the beef marinade for 2 days. Then drain the meat and cover the surface with bacon slices. Place the meat in a watered Roman pot. Spread butter flakes evenly on top and add the marinade poured … Read more


Mix the ingredients with ice cubes in a mixing cup or glass, pour into a chilled cocktail glass. (Original: 2 parts gin, 1 part peach brandy, 1 part grapefruit juice, 1 dash sugar syrup).


Cut the dried fruit into small pieces, mix with the almond kernels and walnuts and marinate with apricot jam and rum. Melt the yeast in the milk. Mix wheat flour, rye flour, yeast water, milk, sourdough powder, salt, sugar, fruit bread spice and ginger to a dough. Cover the dough and let it rise for … Read more

Curd Cheese Banana Tiramisu

Boil the coffee, let it cool a bit and mix it with a dash of rum. In a bowl, whip the whipped cream until stiff. Mix in curd cheese, macarpone and powdered sugar. Peel the bananas and cut into slices. Dip the biscuits in the coffee-rum mixture and layer in a baking dish. Cover with … Read more

Good Bean Cake

A bean recipe for every taste: Beans sugar yolks rub off, vanilla semolina and breadcrumbs mix in, stand 1/2 hour, then mix in beaten egg whites and bake leisurely. Cut open when cool and fill with vanilla cream or possibly spread with jam on top.

Core Oil Cake

For the pumpkin seed oil cake, beat the egg whites with half of the sugar until stiff. Cream the egg yolks, soy milk, pumpkin seed oil, salt, vanilla sugar and the second half of the sugar. Mix baking powder and flour and stir into the mixture, then stir in the candied orange peel. Finally, fold … Read more

Indian Chicken Curry with Snow Peas and Ginger

For Indian chicken curry with sugar snap peas and ginger, first wash the chicken, pat dry and cut into bite-sized cubes. Wash and clean the spring onions and cut them into fine rings. Peel the garlic and ginger and chop both finely. Wash, clean and finely dice the chili pepper. Wash and clean the sugar … Read more

Risotto with Yellow and Red Peppers

For the risotto with yellow and red peppers, grill the peppers in the oven until they turn black. Place in a bowl, cover with foil and let cool. Remove the black skin and seeds, cut the peppers into pieces and set aside. In a large pot, brown the onion and chopped celery with a little … Read more

Risotto with Thyme and St. Agur

For the risotto with thyme, wash the lemon hot, take some zest and squeeze some lemon juice. Wash the parsley, dry it, read it and chop it very finely. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan and sautĂ© the onion, garlic, lemon thyme sprigs and … Read more

Eclairs with Chocolate Cream

Boil the water, salt and butter, pour in the flour all at once and stir heartily with a wooden spoon until a dumpling comes off the bottom. Remove the quantity from the fire, cool a little and then gradually incorporate the eggs until another glossy dumpling is formed. Finally, fold in orange flavoring. Using a … Read more