Raisin Baba with Grappa Zabaione

For the raisin baba with grappa zabaione, first cut the apricots into 5 mm cubes for the dough and soak them with the raisins in grappa for one night. For the dampfl, melt the yeast and sugar in the lukewarm milk. Add 100 g flour and stir until smooth. Cover and let rise in a … Read more

Crispy White Sausage Wheels

For crispy Weißwurstradeln, peel the Weißwurst as desired, cut into slices and coat them in flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil until light brown and crispy. Lift out and drain on paper towels. Recommended side dishes: spicy mustard, pretzel bread, green salad or coleslaw.

Selkirk Bannock

Let the yeast dissolve in the milk. Mix 1/4 of the flour and the sugar with the yeast milk. Cover and leave in a warm place for about 20 minutes until the yeast mixture is bubbly. Add the salt to the remaining flour form, then rub in the fat and mix. Add this dry mixture … Read more

Crêpe with Breast of Venus

Create crêpes in a frying pan and bring to the table in layers with orange fillets on a plate. For the orange sauce, caramelize sugar, cook with butter, honey and a little bit of orange juice. Cut out the melon and garnish with raisins around the plate.

Strawberry Rhubarb Jelly

Rinse and clean the rhubarb and cut into pieces. Add apple juice, sugar and rhubarb to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Soften rhubarb in about 7 min. Cool to lukewarm. Shape rhubarb in a thin muslin cloth and squeeze well (yields 600 ml juice per kg). Add vanilla sugar to the juice. Soak … Read more

Potato Spread

For the potato spread, boil the potatoes, let them cool a bit, peel and mash them. Then quickly mix with the other ingredients, the bacon cut into small pieces, the onion peeled and also cut into small pieces, the garlic cloves crushed or cut. My tablespoons always turn out a bit large and heaped. But … Read more

Fried Shrimps on Creamed Spinach with Potato Ragout

Preparation time approx. 20 min: Rinse spinach well two or three times, pluck off stem and blanch very briefly in light, bubbling salted water. Drain well, cut garlic clove in half. Clean arugula well, drain well. Clean apple and remove core, cut in half and dice. Peel potatoes, parsley root, cut into cubes. Cut cress … Read more

Pagan Cakes – with Meat, Bacon, Apples

Whisk the dough ingredients and chill for 1 to 2 hours. Meanwhile, peel and dice the onion. Peel the apple, remove the core, finely dice. Make the goulash about 1 hour in lightly salted water. Next, together with the streaky bacon, onions and apple cubes, put it through a meat grinder (or grind it in … Read more

Yogurt Roll

For the yogurt rolls, place all ingredients except the milk in the bowl of the food processor. Knead with a dough hook in about 10 minutes to a smooth dough. Let the dough rise, covered, in a warm place for 40 minutes. Knead again. Form the dough into a roll and cut the roll into … Read more

Vanilla Sauce with Chocolate Sprinkles

For the vanilla sauce with chocolate chips, boil sugar, vanilla pulp and vanilla bean in the milk. Stir whipped cream with custard powder until smooth and pour into the vanilla milk, stirring constantly. Bring the sauce to a boil, remove from heat, remove vanilla bean, cover and let cool. Then stir in chocolate sprinkles.