Coniglio Brasato – Braised Rabbit

Peel shallots and garlic cloves. Clean carrots and cut in half lengthwise. Clean the celery. Cut carrots and celery lengthwise diagonally into 7-8 cm long pieces. Cut the head of the rabbit into small pieces. Using a heavy kitchen knife, remove the back of the rabbit between the legs and the forelegs. Below the back, … Read more

Tomato Soup with Croutons

Make the tomato pulp with the vegetable stock, whipping cream and spices in about 5-8 min. Next, pass through a fine sieve and heat again. Taste the soup. Whisk the butter flakes into the hot soup. Cut the white bread without rind into small cubes and toast them in a coated frying pan until light … Read more

Filled Ham Pancakes

For the filled ham pancakes, whisk flour, eggs, milk, salt, nutmeg and mineral water to a dough and let it swell a bit. Melt butter in a pan and fry the pancakes in portions. For the filling, peel and dice onions. Peel and chop garlic. Tear ham into small pieces. Sauté onions with garlic in … Read more

Beer Soup

Heat the contents of a bottle of beer and mix with a cup of water. Add to the hot beer a little sugar form and season with a pinch of salt. Thicken the beer broth with a tablespoon of flour, stirred a little before adding. Finally, thicken the soup with an egg yolk, which is … Read more

Sausage with Juice

For the sausages with juice, warm frankfurters in water and serve with goulash juice (homemade is best, juice is often left over from beef goulash).

Asparagus Risotto

Peel the asparagus spears, rinse the peels and cut ends very thoroughly in cold water and boil with two liters of water in the asparagus pot. Season the water with one eighth of the juice of a lemon, salt, white wine and sugar, lightly bubble. First cook the green asparagus until al dente, then the … Read more

Black Salsify in Ham

For the salsify in ham, rinse the salsify in cold water and put it in tap water mixed with flour (1) and vinegar. Peel and briefly rinse with cold water. Boil in fresh salted water for 20 min, drain and measure the indicated mass of cooking water for the sauce. Wrap the salsify in slices … Read more

Baked Veal Veggie with Sugar Peas and Heurigen

Soften the veal with the greens and the onion in 2 liters of water. Drain the cooked veal, coat in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and fry in hot fat until golden. Keep warm in a 60 °C oven for about 10 minutes. Heat butter in a saucepan, steam peas until soft, season with salt, pepper … Read more

Arugula Walnut Pesto

For the arugula-walnut pesto, finely chop all ingredients in a food processor and gradually add enough olive oil to create a creamy consistency.

Jasmine Ice Cream with Kumquat Compote

Here is the original recipe: Bubble the water and pour it on the jasmine flowers placed in a heatproof bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and steep for ten to fifteen minutes. Strain through a hair strainer and squeeze the flowers well. Cool. Mix the cream with this ‘tea’. Beat the yolks with the sugar and … Read more