Wild Rice Salad with Arugula And

Rating: 3.29 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



4 tbsp. juice of one lemon, 4 to 5 tbsp. pepper, f. A.d.M. f. A.d.M.

Bring the wild rice to a boil in cold water, season with salt and swell at low temperature for 40 min with the lid closed. Then pour into a sieve, drain and cool. Finely dice the onions, peel the mangoes and cut them into narrow slices from the stone. Clean the arugula, remove hard stems, pluck the leaves into bite-sized pieces, rinse and spin dry.

Remove the peel from the ginger and grate finely. Mix with pepper, juice of one lemon, salt, a good pinch of sugar, a few drops of soy sauce and the oil to make a salad dressing. Mix half of the salad dressing with the long-grain rice and the onions and leave to cool for about half an hour, then season again and perhaps add more seasoning.

Mix the other half of the sauce with the mango slices and rocket leaves just before serving.

Arrange half of the long-grain rice with the mixture of arugula and mango wedges in a shallow baking dish. Evenly distribute the remaining long-grain rice on top. Serve the leaf salad on the spot.

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