Minestrone with Monkfish

Rating: 3.76 / 5.00 (59 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the minestrone:


Cut the carrots, zucchini and green beans into small cubes. Boil the carrots and green beans in salted water, quench in ice water. Fry the bacon briefly in the fat. Add the leek and the garlic clove and pour the soup. After 3 minutes add the carrots, beans and zucchini and after another 5 minutes remove the garlic and add the tomato cubes. Do not boil the soup now! Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, basil and parmesan. Now cut the monkfish into small medallions, season, wrap with the bacon slices and sear in hot fat with the “seam” facing down. Then sear on all sides and slowly finish frying so that it is not yet cooked through on the inside, but still slightly glazed. Cut medallions and arrange on top of minestrone.

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