Delice of the Hen’s Egg with Caviar of the Char and Florets of the Silver Salmon

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)


Ingredients For 1 pickled salmon fillet:

For garnish:


40 min. (without pickling time), for the ambitious Debone the salmon fillet with tongs and make small incisions in the skin to allow the pickle to act better. At the thin tail end, these incisions are no longer necessary.

Chop the culinary herbs and mix them with the spices without salt and sugar. Mix sugar, pickling salt and table salt. Half of the spice mixture in a shallow dish form. Sprinkle salmon fillet with half of the sugar-salt mixture on the skin side and place this side on the spice mixture. Rest of spice mixture on top of salmon form. Sprinkle rest of sugar-salt mixture over top and press in a tiny bit. Place in refrigerator and allow to marinate on one side for about 8-10 hours (depending on thickness of salmon fillet), turn to other side and allow to marinate for another 8-10 hours (skin side up).

The pickling time depends on the quality of the salmon. (perhaps remove sample in between so salmon does not become too spicy). If desired, you can shorten the pickling time or add or omit a few herbs (e.g. peppermint). After the pickling time, wash away the kitchen herbs and spices, dry with kitchen towel and cut into narrow slices as desired.

For the salmon roses:

Loosely roll each 1-2 narrow strips of salmon. Stand up and bend the outer edges outward into a nice rose shape. Place cucumber slices on round, freshly toasted white bread leg

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