Fried Hake – Cod, Codfish W. Mushrooms & Tomatoes

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion!

Acidify the fish with juice of one lemon. Just before preparing, season with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in an ovenproof dish, sprinkle in shallots, garlic and parsley, sauté lightly. Place the fish in the mold and roll it in the butter. Mix the tomatoes with the mushrooms and basil and cover the fish with them, season lightly with salt and season with pepper. Sprinkle the parmesan on top and cover with butter flakes. Roast in a heated oven at 200-220 degrees for about 30 minutes. Serve the fish in the form.

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