Kataifi – Dessert with Nuts and Syrup

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Take one unit of the kataifi dough and loosen it into a thin strip of dough about 10 cm wide and about 20 cm long. Sprinkle with nuts and cinnamon and roll up to the size of a roulade. Cut the protruding strands into small pieces. Place the rolls in a buttered dish and pour melted butter over them. Bake at medium heat for about 30 minutes. For the syrup, make the sugar with water, slice of one lemon and cinnamon for 5 to 10 min. When the kataifi rolls have turned a nice golden brown color, pour the lukewarm syrup over them, cover and let them sit for 30 min.

Recipes by Hotel Amathus

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