Stuffed Zucchini Flower on Paprika Salad

Rating: 2.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Cut the sole fillet into small cubes, season with salt and pepper and let it soak in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes. Soak the morel in water for about 20 minutes.

Puree the fish with the egg white in a hand mixer. Whip the whipping cream until not too stiff and stir it in. Leave the mixture to cool.

Rinse the zucchino and cut into very small cubes.

Remove the morel from the water and cut into small cubes. Divide the fish mixture into thirds.

Mix 1/3 with the zucchini cubes, and the second third with the morels.

Carefully rinse and dry the zucchini flowers. Remove the pistils. Fill three blossoms with each of the different fillings. Carefully fold the flower tops over the filling.

Heat the fish stock with 300 ml water in a saucepan, and let the zucchini blossoms steep in it for about 3 minutes. Remove and bring to the table lukewarm.

Mix the gorgonzola with the whipped cream, salt and pepper, pipe it into the zucchini flowers with a piping bag and garnish with a bunch of parsley.

Serve with baguette.

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