Yeast Dough – Basic Recipe

Rating: 3.96 / 5.00 (24 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



When preparing yeast dough, all ingredients must be slightly warmed. If possible, work in the heated kitchen and make sure that the dough does not come into contact with drafts. Sifted flour is used. Crumble the yeast, mix it with a few tablespoons of lukewarm milk and a little sugar. Put the flour in a large enough bowl, make a hole in the center and put the dissolved yeast in it. Stir in carefully enough of the flour to make a soft paste. Cover the damp with a clean cloth and put the bowl in a warm – not hot – place. The dampfl must rise until it has doubled in mass. How long this takes depends on the heat of the room. When it has risen, add salt, sugar, milk, eggs, flour and any spices, as well as the half-melted fat, and work the dough well until it is bubbly. It is then kneaded on a baking board, perhaps adding raisins. Then the dough must rise a second time, either in a baking dish or possibly in the prepared cupcake pan, depending on how it is used. Cover the dough again with a tea towel and place it in a warm, draft-free place. In 1- 1 1/2 hours the dough should have risen twice. Finger pressure should leave a slight impression in the dough. It is now baked at 200 °C (depending on the type of processing 30-60

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