Steamed Beef.

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Wash 2 kg of tender beef (lung roast), rub it with salt and pepper and lard it on all sides with strips of bacon. Put 10 dkg of butter and a few slices of smoked bacon in a frying pan, let it get quite hot, put the meat in it together with two medium onions cut into slices and fry them on all sides. Add a piece of parsley, celery, beetroot, 5 nice red apples, a little bit of whole spice, a few juniper berries and a piece of lemon peel, pour in 1/2 l of white wine, put the frying pan into the hot oven and let the meat stew for 2 to 2 1/2 hours, adding a little bit of bone broth from time to time. The meat is then pressed into two tumblers, the well-seasoned clear soup is poured over it and sterilized at 100 °C for 60 minutes.

When serving, the meat is carved, the sauce is poured over the meat, thickened a little and served with bread dumplings or potatoes.

all : home preserves, from Mrs. Emilie Lösel,

Our tip: Use bacon with a fine, smoky note!

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