Game Pie

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




To finish:


(*) Terrine mold of 1, 8 l capacity, yields 8 to 10 slices Grate flour and fat between your fingers until crumbly. Mix eggs, salt and water, add and knead quickly until smooth. Leave to rest for an hour.

Chop the onion. Remove the skin from the apple and cut it into small pieces. Sauté both in the warm butter until soft.

Cut the venison into cubes. While in about five minutes gently fry. Season with ground cloves, pepper, salt and orange peel. Cool down.

Cut the chicken meat into cubes and grind with the cream in a cutter. Season.

Grind the cooled down venison together with the onions and apples in the cutter. Mix with the chicken mixture.

Season the rabbit fillets and fry them briefly in olive oil.

Finely dice the dried plums and ham. Mix with the pistachios and pine nuts.

Generously butter the baking dish. Roll out half of the dough thinly and spread the dish with it. Line with the lard slices. Pour in the game farce 2-3 cm high. Fill with the rabbit fillets. Cover with the remaining farce. Roll out the remaining pastry and place it as a lid on the pie. Close the edges of the pastry. Cut out a steam hole in the center. Brush the pâté with egg yolk.

Meanwhile, bake the pie in the oven heated to 200 degrees on the lowest shelf for about forty minutes (core temperature 50 degrees). Cool completely before slicing.


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