Ham Rolls on Cucumber and Tomato Salad

Rating: 4.40 / 5.00 (115 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)

For the ham rolls:

For the cucumber and tomato salad:


For the ham rolls on cucumber-tomato salad, peel cooked potatoes and press through the potato press or grate finely. Mix with curd cheese and sour cream, in a bowl until smooth.

Add chives, season with sea salt, pepper and piment d’Espelette. Fill ham slices with it and carefully, loosely roll up the slices.

For the salad, mix lemon juice, water, sea salt, pepper, sugar and olive oil. Mix in parsley and dill. Wash and dry cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Wash cherry tomatoes, pat dry and cut into small pieces. Peel young onion and cut into fine rings. Arrange cucumber and tomato slices on plates.

Arrange the onions on top and drizzle with the dressing. Place the ham rolls on top and serve immediately.

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