Poached Fillet of Veal with Avocados, Pistachio Oil and Radicchio Trevisiano

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (40 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Salt and pepper the veal fillets and turn them in the finely chopped herbs, wrap them in cling film and twist them together with aluminum foil. Then poach for 20 min. at 80 °C. Peel the avocados, cut them into coarse pieces and sauté them briefly in the pistachio oil with the Trevisiano leaves in a non-stick pan and season with salt, pepper and lemon. Serve with the poached veal fillets and the sauce.This recipe was provided by: Joachim Gradwohlwww.meinlamgraben.atNähere info on pistachio oil can be found at: www.die-feinsten-essenzen.com

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