Tagliatelle with King Prawns and Green Asparagus Spears

Rating: 2.63 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Pasta dishes are just always delicious!

Leisurely defrost the King Prawns in the refrigerator. If necessary, expose and remove the casings by cutting lengthwise of the back.

Cut away the dry ends of the asparagus, cut the pieces into narrow slices up to the head.

Rinse the tomatoes and cut in half, cut the garlic into narrow slices (this works just right on the truffle slicer!).

Cover the asparagus slices just with water, season with salt and bring to a boil.

Cook for about 10 minutes and drain. Collect the water. Cook the asparagus heads al dente in this water, rinse, dab on paper towels and put aside.

Bring the asparagus stock with the white wine repeatedly to the boil and reduce by half. Season with salt and cayenne pepper, if necessary.

Tear off a few zests from the lime.

Put the pasta in salted water and cook until al dente.

Meanwhile, sauté the King Prawns in a tbsp. of olive oil until lightly browned on both sides. This hardly takes more than 4 or possibly 5 min. Just before the end, add the garlic and stir once. Salt and lift out.

Stir the remaining olive oil into the reduced asparagus stock, giving it a slight thickening. Add the lime zest and basil. Then heat the asparagus tips, halved tomatoes and shrimp tails in it.

Drain the pasta.

With the exception of the king prawns and the tomatoes a

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