Roasted Leg of Veal.

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



The tail leg is removed from the drumstick, as it is then much easier to carve, it is washed, then divided into roasts according to the jars intended for this purpose, rolled and tied and larded quite daintily all around. One such roast should fill one jar in detail. Then place the roasts in a roasting pan, baste them with 30 dkg of hot browned butter, place them in the hot roasting tube without adding water, and let them roast for 1 1/2 hours at a steady fire, basted frequently. When it browns in the roasting pan, add from time to time a little strong veal bone broth (cooked from the chopped, browned leg bones). You can also sauté a few slices of onion. Then press the roast into the heated jars, pour the strained gravy over it, close the jars and sterilize at 100 degrees for 50 minutes.

The leg of veal can also be roasted without larding it, but then add as much lard to half of the butter mentioned, as it is more flavorful this way.

all : Home canning, from Mrs. Emilie Lösel,

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