Buttermilk Caramel Terrine

Rating: 3.74 / 5.00 (31 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Butter caramel:


For the buttermilk-caramel terrine, soak the gelatin in cold water. In the meantime, wash strawberries, drain well and cut into small cubes. Mix the yogurt into the buttermilk caramel. Squeeze out the gelatine, bring three tablespoons of water to the boil and dissolve the gelatine in it. Stir into the yogurt-caramel mixture and spread into a terrine mold lined with foil. Top with the strawberries and chill for about 2 hours. For the buttermilk caramel, heat oil in a pan and add sugar. Stir constantly until caramelized. Pour over the buttermilk and stir until the caramel has dissolved. Allow to cool.

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