Fillet of Mountain Salmon Trout on Herb Salads

Rating: 2.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Salmon trout:

Herb salads:



Have fun preparing this mushroom dish!

Salmon trout: Remove the skin from the carrot, shallots, garlic and celery and cut into very fine cubes (brunoise). Set aside half of the chopped shallots. In a bowl of butter, sauté shallots and garlic until soft and then add the brunoise of celery and carrots, stir, extinguish with a dash of white wine, sauté until soft for about 3-4 minutes and season strongly with sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Cover the top of the salmon trout fillets with the vegetables. In a shallow frying pan (with lid), sauté the remaining shallot cubes with the butter until translucent, deglaze with white wine and add the fillets. Cover and cook for 3-4 minutes at a very low temperature.

Herb salads: Clean herb salads thoroughly, rinse, spin dry and lay out on a dry kitchen towel. Set beautiful leaves aside for garnish.

For the dressing, whisk together safflower oil, sherry vinegar, sweet mustard, sea salt and ground pepper.

Turn leaf lettuces in the marinade to the other side and place on plates, centered.

Decorate with the beautiful leaves all around and carefully place the salmon trout fillet on top of the leaf lettuce.

Instead of the salad you can also use asparagus (green and white), wild mushrooms, fingerling carrots and artichoke hearts, depending on the season.


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