Ropa Vieja

Rating: 3.76 / 5.00 (127 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the ropa vieja, soak the chickpeas the night before. Put the soaked chickpeas together with the meat and salted water. When the meat is cooked, drain the broth and cut the meat into small pieces. Then cut the onions, tomatoes and peppers into small pieces and in a mortar crush the garlic with 3 peppercorns, paprika and a little salt and fry in oil until the onions are translucent. Then add the white wine, chopped parsley, thyme, a bay leaf, the chickpeas and the meat and cook well again. Finally, cut the potatoes into cubes and fry or deep fry them raw and add them to the “old wash” before serving.

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